The daunting task of building your high school resume… “how and what can I add so that my dream school chooses me?” runs through your mind. There are the typical GPA and standardized test scores that we all add, but what are the supplementary items that we can incorporate so that we are not merely numbers? Read on to learn about unique additions that can bulk up your high school resume.

Colleges are looking for self-starters: students with the passion and ambition to create and develop something of their own. One great way to make your high school resume stand out is by incorporating businesses that you have started. They don’t have to be major companies (maybe you were into graphic tees and created a small t-shirt print start-up). Find a passion or hobby you love and create a business out of it. Getting entrepreneurial shows the admissions officer that you are capable of leading, being creative, and can manage a group of people.
Travel, Or Study, Abroad

To make a memorable impact in the minds of the admissions officer, dazzle them with some meaningful recollections of your trip abroad. That doesn’t mean you need to go to another country, you can travel to different states in the US. You want to demonstrate that you are (1) adventurous and (2) that you are capable of experiencing new cultures and ways of life. Not only do you make a lasting presence, traveling abroad while in high school can help you narrow down your major of choice in college. Be exposed to a different environment and see what you really love to do. Moreover, studying abroad illustrates to the admissions team that you are well-adapted to being away from home and are truly ready for a college experience!
Publish, Publish
If you are into writing, get your hands on being published — maybe start with your school newspaper! To really make an impression on your high school resume, try expanding outwards to local publications where you can write from a student perspective. This will display your professionalism and maturity at an early age. While it can be intimidating getting your writing published, you can also take the route of self-publication. Take your most recent research findings and add them to a blog!