Picking the right school to attend is only one aspect of your college journey. Evaluating the program of study is just as important as researching the school itself. This blog will highlight specific questions to ask and things to look for when researching college majors.
5 Key Factorsto Consider When Researching College Majors

1. In-depth description of the major
The first thing to look for when researching majors is an in-depth description of the major and its program of study. This information can be found on the websites of schools that offer the major and will often outline specific topics that will be covered and the expectations of students in this program.
2. Employers which hire within the major
Many schools will highlight companies that have hired their graduates and will display this information by major or program of study. If this Information is not readily available on the school's website you can reach out to the school's career services department to request additional information regarding what companies students are typically hired by.
3. Which accredited schools provide the major
Not every school will have the specific major that you want so it is important to research each school's majors and evaluate which program would be best for you and your goals.
4. News articles and publications pertinent to the major
To understand the perception and real-world implications of your prospective major, take time to read and research how the major has been portrayed in news articles and publications if relevant.
5. Relevant student associations
While what happens in the classroom is an important indication of whether the major is the right fit for you, many programs have national or even worldwide associations that are available to both students and professionals in the field. Researching these associations and what additional support and mentorship they can provide can help you with transitioning your studies from the classroom to the real world.
Looking for these five things when conducting your research will help you to fully evaluate different programs of study and majors across different schools to help you make the best decision for your studies in university and for providing you with the best opportunity to successfully transition to a professional career.